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Fruit, Flowers, and London Blue Topaz: 4th Year Wedding Anniversary

Fruit, Flowers, and London Blue Topaz: 4th Year Wedding Anniversary

Last week we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. It’s hard to believe that 4 years have already passed since this day but each year gets better and better and we love to celebrate. Since we have some big travel coming up we wanted to mark the day with an at home celebration focused on the traditional 4 year anniversary gifts, fruit and flowers. Flowers are said to represent the blossoming and growth of a relationship and the fruit represents the same with allusions made to ripening and nurturing. It was meaningful and simple to center our evening on these symbols and traditions.

Summer in the Hamptons is the perfect time of year to find full, lush, fresh flower bouquets at one of the many farmstands. We headed to our favorite in Sag Harbor, Serene Green, and swept up some beautiful summer flower bouquets. The mood was set with tapered candles and the fresh flowers. We made a simple watermelon, basil, and feta salad accompanied with farm fresh blackberries and toasted the evening away to celebrate. And then I had one more surprise….

Topaz is the 4th year anniversary stone. It is also my birthstone. The next ring for Lynette’s wedding stack was custom designed with Irden Designs and incorporates London blue topaz to represent me, eternal romance, friendship, abundance, and prosperity. It also features alexandrite, my wife’s birthstone, to represent her, luck, prosperity, and intellect. Lynette was surprised and we were both very happy with how beautiful the design came out and how Irden Designs had perfectly matched the ring to the original diamond wedding band.

Cheers to 6 years together and 4 years married! We would love to know how you mark your anniversaries. Do you go traditional or are you doing something new?

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